Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ha Ha Ha Ho Ho Ho Hee Hee Hee

Today's Lunch
LOL !!!!!
I'm feeling much better today :)
Instead of crying, like I did a bit of yesterday...
This morning I went to Laughter Yoga! 
It was awesome.  I loved it!  I highly recommend it and I highly recommend more laughing!
I'm even going to look into becoming a certified Laughing Yoga Leader!
Ho Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha Hee Hee Hee
This place (i.e. HHI) is all about wellness stories, and this instructor was no different.
She told how she use to be a depressed person... Then after she started practicing Laughter Yoga... she was able to get off of her depression medication!  Laughter is a healer of many things.  Next time you're feeling depressed, angry, frustrated, stressed... LAUGH!

1 comment:

  1. Jerris1/13/2013

    Jen - Thank you for sharing your experiences at HHI. I've been thinking of you, and now am able to track your days. :-) and YES, I can see you as a Laughter Zen Jen (LZJ). Keep on keeping on!
