This post is generally only applicable to women, and men that care about women.
It contains some fairly personal information, and perhaps TMI some might say, but I'm sharing in case someone else out there happens upon this and it helps them, which is generally my philosophy for this entire blog.
Dad, you definitely don't want to read this post, and Mom, there's a possibility you may want to skip it too....
So, here we go with the "real fun" stuff...
Some background info....
When my menstrual cycles first started in my teens they were unbearable to me, lasting 7-10 days, very very heavy, and sometimes only two weeks in between... I would sit on the swings in my backyard and cry because I didn't see how I was going to make it through life like this. I managed through high school and finally got into the freedom of college and got on "the pill." Yae! It was a miracle, my cycle was "normal" and life was easier and less stressful and less depressing. I felt this was my only way to cope.
Jump ahead to my early/mid 30s and my GYN says my blood pressure is getting high and she puts me on a reduced hormone (i.e. Nuvaring). Some odd years later, late 30s, blood pressure still going up, I'm put on a further reduced hormone (i.e. Implanon).
Mind you, although my blood pressure is increasing over this period of time, I'm not yet ready to give up on birth control hormones for controlling my cycles. I think of myself on the swings in my teens and say, no way."
A little over a year being on Implanon my hormones really start to get whacky. I'm back to long cycles (up to 2 months at one point) and sometimes only one or two weeks in between. They are at least lighter than they were when I was a teen. My moods are rollercoaster... This craziness goes on for 8 months and I throw in the towel and have the Implanon removed and I go back onto Nuvaring (summer 2012). Once back on Nuvaring, all seems well with the world but... I notice that I have absolutely no sex drive. And, I do mean, NONE. I was attributing that to the amount of stress I felt at work and fatigue dragging me down over the past year.
So, I get to HHI to treat blood pressure and I learn that there's a doctor here that works with hormones... Dr. Mitch Ghen
Well, I know hormones is an issue so, I pay the extra fee to have additional blood work and meeting with Dr. Mitch. My impression of him...? He seems to me like a really great genuine guy. I liked him a lot.
Now for the blood test results....
Progesterone level: 0.66, which either represents being in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle OR... postmenopause....
Estradiol level: <5.00, which is thE lowest end of the postmenopause normal range... and definitely lower than the follicular phase range of 12.5 to 166.
Free (i.e. available and not bound) testosterone level: <0.4, which is less than the normal range of 0.2 to 2.6.
Essentially the doctor tells me that, with these levels, I'd be lucky to have any sex drive.
And he says, this is most likely the result of being on birth control hormones for over 20 years. My body has likely simply shut down those systems because I've been feeding it the hormones for so long.
He also says that my high blood pressure is very likely due to being on hormones for over 20 years resulting in inflammation of arteries. I don't even question this because I know this is one of many serious potential side-affects of the hormones and my GYN has reduced my hormones twice for the very reason of increasing blood pressure.
He says confidently, we can get that blood pressure down and if you follow this treatment and continue the HHI diet and way of life, you should never have to worry about blood pressure again.... He writes out a long list prescription for supplements and IV treatment. I get the supplements and sign up for the IV treatments, not an inexpensive proposition but, very likely a lot cheaper than a stroke or heart attack; and, I hear blood pressure medicine is pretty costly too.
So, as for being 41 and postmenopausal...? Doctor isn't convinced, and neither am I, he orders another blood test to see for sure... I'll find out next Wednesday. At that point we'll see what the treatment is for the hormones...
Onward and Upward!!!
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