Friday, February 1, 2013

Peppermint Patty Cat in the Kitchen

Peppermint Patty Cat about to chomp wheatgrass
I believe the story goes that Ann Wigmore, founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute (originally in Boston), loved cats!  And, she used them to determine which wheatgrass was best for healing.  She would grow different kinds of wheatgrass and see which ones the cats preferred!  I had no idea there were so many different kinds of wheatgrass!  I have since found out when surfing the internet searching for "hard red winter wheat" seeds, which is the type of wheatgrass that HHI currently uses.
I have found that many people are surprised that carnivorous cats would like greenery.
Most cat owners are aware but, even they are surprised when I tell them I regularly feed my cat organic baby mashed peas... and she, Ms. Peppermint Patty, loves them!  Cries for them, in fact.
She also meows at the smell of greenery when it comes into the house, like bundles of celery and carrots with leafy green tops.  With all the new sprouting going on in the house she's always about sniffing the air.
Now that the wheatgrass has really started to grow she's taken to standing beneath the shelf, looking up forlornly, and meowing.  Sitting up on her haunches or pacing to and fro looking for a way to hop up into the carpet of green.
So, I clip her some wheatgrass, put in one of her bowls, and she happily munches away.

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